Bernadine's The Body Shrink

''Love Yourself, No Matter What''!

Meet Bernadine Otto
Bernadine is a Certified Transformational Nutrition coach who trained through the Institute of Transformational Nutrition(ITN), Founder and Director, Cynthia Pasquella.
Transformational Nutrition is a method that combines science, psychology and spirituality to allow us to eat consciously, cleanse our bodies and our minds, and liberate ourselves from our struggle with food so that we may live authentically, gracefully and free....

One of the hardest things to understand when we're struggling with weight is that weight is a symptom; it's not the actual problem. It is the emotion deep inside of us that we are struggling with. The hole that we are feeding to make us feel better.
I used to use this excuse a lot when I struggled with my weight. I thought that I cannot be happy if I don't lose weight or I can not go to the swimming pool if I don't lose this weight. I believed that I will never be happy it does not matter what I do. And this kept me from living my life to the fullest. Are you going to wait to live life to the fullest before you feel good in your body?
Think about that. So many women punish themselves for this. When we struggle with our weight for years it becomes our biggest excuse to not face our fears or do something that we love.
Sometimes we hide behind our weight because we do not want to be seen. We want to protect ourselves from everything out there. Tell your body how you appreciate it for doing so much for you. Thank your body for being so patient with you.
''Love your body while working towards the body you want'' - Bernadine Otto

It is Here! Finally, a Step by Step done for you Weight Loss Method.

If I could show you how to lose weight and boost your self-esteem without starving or giving up delicious food, would you be interested?
Are you tired of suffering through diets that have you losing a few pounds but gaining them right back afterward?
Coaching thousands of women over the years I released that no diet fits all, and all diets are a no.
That is why I have created The 6 Week Shrink Method.
This method is not just another diet. The 6 Week Shrink method is a method that combines nutrition, health, and wellbeing. This method will change not only how you look from the outside but also from the inside so you can live a healthy happy life that you deserve. With this method, you will create permanent change.
Permanent change is something that occurs on every level of your being. It’s something that is a lifestyle, not something you try for a little while and then quit. I wanted to bring you something that could not only transform the way you eat but could transform your life.
I created this method to heal your inner self and outer self by giving you amazing tools on nutrition, health, and wellbeing. I will introduce you to Intermittent Fasting, EFT Tapping that will lead to permanent change.
With the 6-week Shrink Method, I meet you where you are. We look at your health history, health issues, and your goals.
I believe that when you heal your inner self you will heal yourself overall.
Throughout the 6 weeks, you will receive private coaching, EFT Tapping sessions, live videos giving you even more tips on health, nutrition, and weight loss on our private Facebook page.
You are not alone, I will be here cheering you on as well as other women walking the same journey.
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